When you are in the dashboard click on the side menu Meals and pick Add Meal. You will then see a drop down of a few options. Most commonly used are Single Day Meal and Multi Day Meal. If you want the money to be available only for one calendar day, choose Single Day Meal. If you want the money to be available for more than one day, choose Multi Day Meal.
Then you need to fill in all fields that have a red asterisk next to them. Choose a Name for the meal, this will display to the student athletes in the app and on the calendar for you to view. Then pick if you would like the money to be available at All Restaurant or Individual Restaurants. Best practice is to offer all restaurants, but sometimes you might want your student athletes only to have access at certain merchants.
Next you will pick if this is for Individual Dates or Custom Recurrence. The example below is an individual date and you just pick the date and time from the calendar. You can choose multiple dates this way. If you want to set up a recurring meal, you will use the Custom Recurrence and then choose the day of the week it will be on and the start and end date.
Lastly you will choose who the money is going to. You can give money to individual athletes or to a team. You pick the option you want and select the team and/or individuals that you want to receive the money. Once that is complete click Save and the meal is scheduled.
You can verify the meal saved by lookin at the Meals menu button and viewing the calendar. You can also edit the meal from this same spot by clicking into it.